onsdag 10. desember 2014

Obama's speech

A) What is he going to do?

-President Obama is going to fix and build the immigrant system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.

B) How can he do this without congress's blessing?

-He is using his executive authority to address as much of the problem as he can, while he will continues to work with Congress to pass comprehensive reform.

C) What is an American according to Obama? 

-Being an American according to Obama is something more than what we look like, ore what our last names are. What makes them American’s is their sheer commitment to an idea.

D) What is your stand to the issue, do you think the congress will pass the bill soon? 

- I agree with Obama, because as he says ''We were immigrants to'' is right. The immigrants has a hard time coming in to America and settling down legally. So they have to break the law to be able to live and support the family, helping them getting on their feet and making it easier to live in America as an immigrant as Obama wants, I think it is right! 

-I think that the congress will pass the bill soon because they think that Obama is right, and that they understand the immigrants problems coming in to the country. 


-Watching the videos, I see that the immigrants are very thankful for their opportunity coming in to America. In many of the videos, people who were talking about immigrants actually thought that the country could need more immigrants because they do a good job and work hard. They also provide an incredible value to America, actually it was immigrants who founded companies like Google, Ebay, Calls and others. As a conclusion, I would say that it’s not only the immigrants who are thankful for coming in to the country, Americans are thankful for the immigrants to and wants to open the doors for more to come.

Quote - Gerald Ford

GERALD FORDDecember 2, 1974
“Each new wave of pioneers and immigrants had to build a place for themselves and add their individual contributions to this new life. ”

- I prefer the quote from Gerald Ford because I agree on what the quote says, that everyone who came to America had to build their own places, had to get their own food etc. to add their individual contributions to this new life. I think it is smart, short and well said.